Monday, March 31, 2014

Jump Animation

This semester if full on animation! Having so much fun with it! Hooray for 3D animation! I need to go back and polish this more but I'm pretty happy with it! The rig's name is Stewart and was provided by Animation Mentor.

The Tiger and the Robe....

Some other animations that I did this semester.
I think I'll let the title explain the rest of this post.
Tiger walk here, robe is after the break!

Simple Tests...

Back in the animation pencil test lab and redoing tests that I did from about two and half years really goes by fast. Anyways, these are simple tests just wanted to put them up because why not. What's really cool though is seeing these animations and putting them side by side with the ones I did from those years ago in Ani 28. Kind of a motivational booster. Anyways simple tests!
Ball Bounce (Nice and easy to start us off):

Brick Drop (Fun but that spin at then end was annoying though):

Flour Sack (Had a little trouble trying to push that ending, may revisit):

Paper Drop (Well this was fun...):

In-Class Quick Animation (Had to do it in one class sitting):

Winter Sketchbook

Sooo I haven't posted on here in a while, and perhaps it would be best to maybe give an update....or something? Kind of late but eh I'm still not really used to the whole post stuff on blogs yet. Maybe one day...
Anyways, Sketchbook! Here's a couple pages from it that I had some fun doing.